
Justin Bieber pelted with eggs at Sydney Concert


CANADIAN pop sensation Justin Bieber refused to crack after coming under attack during a performance in front of thousands of screaming fans in Sydney, Sky News reported.
The teen superstar was performing at the city's Acer Arena on Friday night, when six eggs were launched from the crowd.
Footage of the incident showed two eggs landing within a meter of the singer during a routine, before four more dropped seemingly from above him, smashing instantly at the front of the stage.
Bieber backtracked away from the audience as a helper quickly cleaned up the mess, before the show went on.

The incident prompted a storm of criticism on social networking sites with one fan taking to Twitter to warn the culprit, "Dear person who threw eggs at @justinbieber in Sydney, you now have over #9millionbeliebers after you, be afraid! We go harder than hard!"

 What kind of fans would do that? And if they're not fans why would they pay all that money for concert tickets if they don't like him? F*cking stupid ass haters!!! Well atleast he didn't get hit so the joke is on them :) Imagine how YOU would feel if that happened to YOU? Yeah not very nice, that's how. Things like these piss me off at how much hate there is in the world, because let's face it he has so many fans out there that (some*) girls want him, and boys want to be him.

////If i sound like a crazed belieber, my 'pologies cos i'm really shocked :O


aaaw Justin Bieber /3

-(Not in order)

1. Ty Ogukoya

2. Francisco

3. Cole Mohr

4. Sean O'Pry

5. Nate Gill

6. Phillip Huang

7. Tyler Fuchs

8. Simon Nessman

9. Jeremy Young

10. Paris Nicholson




shoes galore!



An Isreali Artist with a love for making sculptures began to make shoes based or real life objects. Some may find this all a little bit obscure but i don't. Really these designs should be on catwalks.


B yourself :)

Racism sucks ass.

I hate Racism, racist beliefs are stupid. Just incredibly illogical. If we go far enough we are all related to one another. Why would you hate someone because of the colour of their skin, or the country they came from, you could've been born black/yellow/white whatever. I've had more than my share count of racism. I went to a school where i was the only black girl in the whole school. Of course i got bullied, but here i am, still going strong. I'm not going to lie, i love racial humour but when someone casts a racial stereotype AGAINST me i don't, Is that me being a hypocrite? So be it. And then there is the whole issue about who could say nigger. WTF. In my opinion only black people should be able to say it otherwise you're a racist. If that is politically incorrect then you can go eff yourself. Pardon my * but i'm really pissed. And those white people that are saying that Black people can't say nigger. Like for real? After all the hardship throughout the decades, the name that they have ridiculed them with, THEY can't use it to each other. I just want to knock out everyone who says that, i don't care if violence is the answer, cos ignorance isn't either. This shit is dumb & pisses me off. :\

I h8 racism & so should you. 

There is one race and that's the human race :)

Okay i'm done rambling; Love&Peace&Happiness mo'♥



"Dear friends, i'm sure we can all agree
That there is nothing worse to see
Than a repulsive little bum
that's always chewing chewing gum."